Chapter 2 - Staffinder Basic Functions
Before we get into the details on how to use Staffinder we should first explain how to navigate within the application. Staffinder Web is split into different areas consisting of the Banner, Personal Menu, Navigation Menus, and the Body. Refer to figure 3.0.
The Browser is where you will go to find the status of all your co-workers. This screen will show you where everyone is and any comments they have left. There are several different views to aid you in finding the specific person your interested in. The browser menu contains 2 different view options. One is the Everyone view which basically shows the entire company. The second is the My Group view which is a custom group that you can assign specific individuals that your interested in and create a sort of favorites list. You can assign individuals to this list in the preference section. Below is a view of the Browser in the Everyone view. Status Toolbar:
All these options are also available via the right click menu. Simply right click on the employee you wish to change and you can easily get access to these functions. Clicking any of the status icons will instantly change
the status of the selected user. If you need to add comments
or back notes then use the Status Details screen by double-clicking
on the employee. Filters:
If you don't enter an Asterisk it will automatically add one at the beginning and end of the search criteria. Note: If you wish to filter on a different row you can right-click any column header and select the "Filter Bar" menu item. This will display the filter row just below the column headers. You can enter any criteria in the column you wish to search and then click the blue filter icon in the right side of the cell and select "Apply all filters". Only the rows matching the search parameters will be displayed. You can enter criteria in multiple columns if you wish. To remove the filter simply click the icon again and choose "Clear this filter" or "Clear all Filters" to remove them all. Columns:
Using Staffinder, you should change your In/Out status when leaving your desk area for lunch, breaks, meetings, leaving for the day, etc. By changing your status, you are making your location available to the other Staffinder users. This can save them time looking for you or trying to contact you via pager or cell phone. We have provided numerous ways to keep your status up to date. First, we have provided 8 In/Out choices that are common from office to office. These are In Office, Break, Lunch, Out for the Day, Meeting, Dr. Appt., Sick and Vacation. Using the Setup utility (with Administrative rights), you can customize Staffinder with new In/Out choices as needed by your company. The Sign In/Out screen (figure 3.1) is where you change your status or to provide back at or comments. The other methods are intended to be quick access and do not allow back and comments to be added. The quick status methods are done by using the status toolbar or the right-click popup menu from within the grid. The sign in screen can be quickly accessed by double-clicking a person in the browser grid. These methods are only available from within the browser screens
Resource Scheduler: Viewing Resources: To view a resource simply select it in the navigation menu under the Resources Menu. You will see the resource in with complete breakdown of the times throughout the day. There are two different views you can use. The month view (Figure 3.3) shows a general view of the events for an entire month. You will not be able to see all the events for a given day but you will be able to see what days have events. A short description of the event will be visible in each day. Simply double-click any day and you will be taken to the daily view (Figure 3.4) where you will be able to enter events for that day. You can toggle between the day, week, and month view by clicking the view buttons (Figure 3.2). When you are in the month view you can navigate from month to month with the arrow buttons (Figure 3.2) next to the view buttons. When in day view the arrow buttons will move one day at a time.
Adding an Event:
Modifying an Event:
Deleting an Event:
Recurring Schedules:
Vacation Scheduler: Also built into Staffinder is the vacation request process. This is an effective way to track your requests and also to approve or disapprove the requests. You can assign who is responsible for the requests in the setup screen under the employee section. Only people whom are designated as vacation managers will be able to receive requests. Vacation Request Process: The person requesting
time off will
submit a request and assign it to the person responsible for
managing vacations. The person whom received the request
will receive a message in their Vacation Requests In-Box
located in the Messages menu group.
Refer to figure 3.8 for the vacation request form. The person
receiving the request will have the option of approving the request
or not (figure 3.9). When the request has been approved or
disapproved a message will be sent back to the requestor indicating
what action has been taken. Modifying a schedule: Deleting a schedule:
This is a view of the request screen that the user will fill out when they need to take time off. They will have the option of who to send the request to.
This is a view of the request that the authorizing person will receive. If you have been designated as a vacation administrator in the setup screen you will have a new item in the Messages group in the navigation bar called "Vacation Requests". This list will contain all the request that you have received. Once you approve or disapprove the request it will be removed from your list and a message with the results of your decision will be sent to the person.
Personal Scheduler: Security: You also have the ability to allow others to view your schedule and also make changes to your schedule. This is done in the preferences section (chapter 3).
Contact Management: